Submitting a Cookie Picture
Cookie Creator Submissions of Cookie Pics
People are always asking where to find pics of cookies made with our cutters. Cookie creators are always looking for a place to share their creations. Well, we may have a solution to both dilemmas.
We would like to showcase your cookies from our cutters!
You can be a beginner, or someone that has been perfecting their skill for many years. It doesn’t matter to us. What is important is your cookie was created using one of our cookie cutters AND by you!!
You will get your creation shown to all our customers and a link to whatever page/pages you give us. You will get 100% of the credit.
We will optimize your pics to fit our website. We will also crop your pics if there are several cookies in the pic to separate individual cookies. Each of our cutters will have a corresponding page of "ideas" on decorating. This is where you will find your pic for that particular cutter. You can always submit "one cookie" pics which will be easier for us to work with.